Friday, May 13, 2011

Days 59-63

So I am going to make this easy on everyone. There has been SOOOO much going on right now and SOOOO much crying lately- it would be easier for me to talk about the time I DIDN’T spend crying this week. So instead of explaining each and every tear in detail, I’ll just let ya know what all occurred this week:
1. We FINALLY received the answer to our prayers and Josh received, and accepted, a JOB OFFER!! My husband is the new Strategic Analyst at Emory University Hospital. Woot woot!
2. We began telling friends and family about our move to Atlanta, began looking at homes and jobs in Atlanta, and began facing the reality that we are moving to Atlanta!
3. My best friend, who I haven’t seen in ONE WHOLE YEAR and who just got engaged, came to visit.
4. It was my last week of student teaching. I did not want to leave those kids, but they showered me with love on my last day. They made it so special. I actually enjoyed my last day with them so much, I cried more on the days leading up to my departure than on the actual day of my departure. It was perfect. In fact, my entire 15 weeks with them was perfect.

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