Sunday, April 17, 2011

Days 34, 35, 36 & 37

Well it had to happen y’all. It was only a matter of time before I cried in class, in front of students. One habit of mine I haven’t yet discussed is my tendency to cry about impending events. Thursday I revealed to my students that I only have THREE weeks of student teaching! I was trying to warn my students that I would most definitely cry when it came time for me to say goodbye and instead I took it one step further and gave them a preview! It wasn’t just watery eyes either, I had to take my glasses off and wipe my eyes and take deep breaths. It makes me panic a little now just thinking about it. I am NOT ready to leave these kids. They’ve changed me. I entered that classroom a student myself, but I’ll leave a teacher. And I owe it all to my amazing 10th grade English students. I’ve fallen in love with every single one of them. More tears to follow- fo sho!
This also had to happen at one point or another- no crying. When I say I cry every day, I pretty much mean it. But still, I have days where there just isn’t time! Friday was a wonderful day at work and I came straight home to get ready for Charlottesville’s first Fridays After Five of the season. We went with a big group of friends and had a great, Spring-y day! No tears for this girl. I’m sure my tear ducts enjoyed the day off.
On Saturday Josh hurt my feelings and made me cry. I was trying to be nice while he sat on the couch for SEVEN hours applying to jobs (seriously, seven hours) by offering to make him a grilled cheese sandwich. He didn’t ask for one, I just offered, which I felt was very wife-ish and nice of me. He got up to use the restroom and when he came out he saw me putting sliced cheese on his sandwich (he likes the shredded cheese better) (I know this, but hate using the shredded cheese because it makes a mess). When he saw me using sliced cheese he got really upset and told me he wasn’t going to eat my sandwich anymore. I slammed down the spatula, told him he could make his own lunch, and went into the bedroom and cried. It didn’t last long because he immediately came in and apologized and I was over it in time to flip his grilled cheese without burning it at all.
I spent all of Sunday in the sun with friends and my husband and no cell phone. It was a happy, carefree day. My tears for Sunday were also happy. One of my oldest friends, Nadia, got engaged a few weeks ago and she (finally) posted the video of her bf proposing on facebook for all to see. I cried for lots of reasons- because 1) when people get engaged, that’s what I do, cry. 2) It is always an exciting and happy moment to see people you care about excited and happy. And 3) it made me think of how long I’ve known her and all the memories and connections we have. Those memories include elementary school secrets, lots of card games, and one scary and embarrassing bout of permed bangs. Yes, I said permed bangs.

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