I didn’t put up a tree this year. When I announced my decision to skip on the decorating I thought Josh was going to either check me in to the ER or the Psych ward.
I didn’t shop. Usually I LOVE going to a busy mall at Christmas- the people, the music, the line for Santa. But, I was in a car accident last week. So I had to drive this really big and really ugly rental car. I basically tried to avoid driving all together and did a lot of my shopping on-line. My rental, my driving anxiety, and Atlanta parking kept me home.
And I didn’t go to one single Christmas party. I found out after I booked my flight home, I’d be missing THREE Christmas parties down in Atlanta. No party dresses, no $10 and under gifts, no peppermint or cinnamon rimmed drinks. Sad!
And so, I found myself seriously lacking in Christmas cheer...until I sat down and started my Christmas cards the other day. I love writing Christmas cards. I turn it into a whole production with spread sheets and color coding and assembly lines. It’s fun for me. But the best part is looking over my Christmas Card List. Reflecting on all the names that makeup that list and how they are significant to me, to Josh, to US.
Most of the people on my list I’ve known for 20 years or so. It includes the boy I held hands with in 3rd grade and the boy I was cruel to in 8th. It includes the girl I stole my parents’ car with the summer before 9th grade and the girl who told on me to my parents. On that list are three friends expecting babies and two new mothers. I addressed the card to my best friend and her fiancé for the very last time, next year’s card will read Mr. & Mrs. Five more friends will tie the knot next year.
There are the boys who helped Josh survive Knob year, the boys he got into trouble with in high school, and all his family members who are now mine. Cards were sent to the Carolinas, California, Missouri, and Tennessee. People we’ve worked with, laughed with, fought with, and grown up with. That list is like a roll call for those who have made our lives full and happy.
I hope your Christmas Card List is long this year & your Christmas Season full of love!
Thank you for reading this little blog of mine. I’ll catch ya in 2012.
As usual cousin, I love your blog. I decorated but it was only 3 or 4 days before Christmas. All shopping was done online too and I just wasn't in the mood as things have been a little sad around here. It's got to be hard in a new city and especially with a wreck and all. It's true that when it rains it pours. I'm starting my Christmas cards this week. So, they will be Christmas/New Year's/whenever they get there cards....but by golly they will get to my friends and especially family. I love you. Hope to see you and Josh again soon and when you get a chance inbox me your new Atlanta address on FB. Hugs and kisses and hold on tight to those you love. Wish I could give you a big squeeze now!