So- I made a deal with myself a few days ago that I wouldn’t say anything negative about my body for seven days in a row. My intent was for the 7 days to turn in to 14 days, then 21, and so on and so on.
I lasted about 48 hours.
What really put a kink in my plan was I had to be measured last week for my bridesmaid dress and I’m not really digging my numbers y’all. So I complained about it, made jokes about it, and googled what measurements constitute the “perfect hourglass figure”. Ugh.
Anyway, Sunday night Josh & I were laying on the floor (our new couch isn’t being delivered until next week- so we have to do everything on the floor. It sucks) and I was analyzing my measurements…again. We were trying to figure out if my ratio fit the hourglass ratio when Josh got really confused with the math. So I said:
“C’mon Josh, did you skip geometry in high school or something?”
To which he replied:
“I don’t know, did you skip P.E.?”
And then he looked at me with this startled look on his face. Because Josh NEVER makes fun of my body or my looks. So he just kind of waited for my reaction.
And I cracked up.
Maybe it was just the shock of him saying something mean to me. Or maybe it was the look on his face after. Or maybe it was just a funny comeback. But I died. And then I got even more tickled when Josh threw his arms around me and between laughs kept repeating “I’m so relieved you are laughing” and “I’m so happy you aren’t mad at me.”
It was adorable.
I’ve never felt more beautiful, rolling around on my fat ass in a fit of laughter and tears. Love him.